Dec 10, 2007

Fast, the meaning of STREAMYX

When u are listed the goverment provider and also the only nationally No.1.. you are sure full of $h1ţ

A Year ago I Signed up the MERDEKA package (so-m'sian) then got the standard 1.0 Mbps for RM77 / Monthly. Free Modems & Promotions added ... they also mention Terms and Conditions Apply. 1 of the T & C's that I left out seeing and I'm sure 99.9% end-usered encountered.... "You will encounter blood and money sucking pain until further notice".

What could I say more? I did my part explaining to your 24x7 phone support, they promise they will do their "very best". When you are failed to deliver, encounter power failure... and giving us "down time"... did you send a sms or even pay us back for the time and money we have lost?

You can do what we normal citizen / consumer can't do... so we declare u as GOD. Atleast god will grant me wishes... but u gave me this instead ! U sure blow people's top to the x-stream-Y?

*22.10 Updates : Maxis / izzi / whatever non GOV.. I am looking into u. TiMe to change... u will be forgotten

*22.35 Suggestion : Is there anyone wants to do a study on how much Time and Money each individual end-user encounter once STREAMYX is down? Maybe there will be a lawsuit... or atleast the company will know how INTER-NATIONALY the service is rated?

I know for a fact that a study of "time" being wasted "in-queue" for an average human being... 5 years.

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