Well, here I am to announce I've found a permanent job. A job that I can route my career back to the I.T. industry since I last graduated from my degree. Sad to say after so many years of working in different industries... I did not ended up rich! However, I am rich as I got to know more people?
"Will I be long in the I.T. industry? Will I ever have a better salary? Will I achieve something and make it to a career?" Like anyone else, I would just like to have a better living. Probably just let the ball rolls and play by ear.
Anyway, for most of u guys out there probably interested where was I the last few years. Since I last graduated from University, I was in this trade and finance industry. Working as a backend processor, life wasnt too great. I dont even have an actual working computer at home. Internet was so darn slow I dont even have a broadband. The company was SCOPE Int'l, I was thinking probably I have the chance to move to the I.T. dept someday as its under 1 roof. However, moving from one dept. to another is like a mission impossible at that time. So after working for a year, I manage to get into another kind of industry...
Automotive industry, I was with this company manufacturing FRP parts for OEM car manufacturers. It was fun, I had many post there in the company. I even worked on the Myvi Sport Concept Project. As a car-addict, I have no words to describe my satisfaction. Then the manufacturing plant moved away from the city, and produce ABS parts. It was another level of the body-kits product in M'sia and I can assure u this.... M'sia had its very 1st ABS plastic body-kit manufacturer and the country did not acknowledge! Its great, because if I did something so damn great.. I dont want my country to acknowledge me as some DATO' or some TAN SRI' or wat-ever-shit! Somehow it seems like the company has set its vision on "profits" rather than producing some great bodykits for its industry. Personally, it really does tune down my passion of work... and somehow after 2 years I decided to resigned.
I.T. industry was something I need to put in my resume, so to start things out I became a Sales Person. I was attached to a so-called-australian based Multimedia Solution comp. Somehow or rather, I felt like I was in a China-man payroll. The team I worked with was great, and I had great time there. Got to know many people too, one of them is Mr.Wacom! haha... he is a designer and spokes person for Wacom products and was responsible for some of the design on that Proton Gen.2!
Somehow or rather, after the previous job.. my passion seems to have lost. I had no idea where my career path should be. I quit the job before even had any confirmation with the company thou I was working like 11months there?! Why u asked... its probably the way of a australian-local chinese company ?!? (*-*) Still pissed but happy I quit the job even without wat might my bonus be.
I was broke, thou happy and had a life mission given from my family to help sell out their business. So I was the back-end processor clearing craps for the family bakery business. Its sad to see the business goes, but my parents are old and they are screaming for retirement since 3 years ago. Sad to say, I was not financially stable to ensure them for a retirement life. But seeing them able to work out a retirement "MYR" ($o$)" makes me proud to be a bakery-son! Still these 2 old farts give me craps all the time, and now being retired and living together. I have no idea how life will be starting from last quarter of 2007. Its always unfair being the eldest? Craps
28 Oct. 2007, its a permanent payday IBM! I am attached to level 1 support, so far the team is great, the pay is OK, and the life seems to run a little smooth compare to my previous job... but its just the 1st month of work. So hopefully I'm able to save some "MYR" to get to the next level of bachelor life and save more money? I am broke... but I still got money. So after looking back, u be the judge of my career path. Is it a big mistake? (0_<)

Damn! Crap! Kanasai! latzelife daily o'meter > ████████] 99.99% TULAN!
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