Jun 27, 2006

Movin' on the month of JUNE'06

They always say... moving is a very BIG task. It requires a lot of work.... for the past 2 weeks.... I was moving with my family (I'm not married, & Yes... I still stay with my parents, but i only comes back on the weekends). Lucky I had 2 brothers to help out to clear all the stuffs into boxes and moved 'em all into the new house. Not to mention about my girlfriend, Emelyn which help out to clear MANY things out for me. I will miss my old house neighbours, restaurants, shopping places, foods, pasar-malam (night market), morning market, my friends.... and many more.

My new area? Its a up-hill area, where it has a nice small city view at nite. I guess there isn't much food there. Maybe my friends which stay at the area should bring me out more. Jay was able to find me for mamak at my area on the first nite, thanks for coming althought u are sick and lonely. I felt sorry for u man, I even felt worst that u had too many "FANS". hahaha..

June'06... other than relocating to another area... I am changing lanes as well. I'm going back to IT industry by the end of this month. Yes, I am an IT graduated but then I was too obsessed with cars and automotive so I found a job working for a factory which produced "skirting" or some of u guys called it "bodykits". I will missed this job, but anyhow looking forward to my new job. Funny huh as these 2 are not related?

Guess I wont be bloggin' till i got DSL in my house next month. Stay tune as I will "TUNE" this page more often. Meanwhile enjoy my links... >>>

UPDATE: I can still blog until end of this month!

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