Yes, it was 6 years ago I started this idea... making a bunch of friends sing into a computer mic to record a song (friends by Alan Tham) so we can all listen back one day in the future and remember ourselves as FRIENDS.
Was I carried away from that FRIENDS series that time? OR was I afraid that just one day they will forget me... "someone which was generally engineered to be forgotten"?
Not too long ago... friends were very important to me as I was always alone. My parents were too over protective and always keep me by their side even in work. Summary: I was caged under their supervision. Even my longest friend so far would be Ms. Lisa (not her real name) from secondary gal school next to my all-monk school... we meet while going home in the same bus. This year would be our 13years of friendship... and yes.. all her boyfriend asked this "are u guys sure u are not dated before?" Thanks Lisa for having a decent relationship with me.
Ok, lets write back to what I was saying in the beginning. I meet back MONKEY (obviously not his real name) this evening.. He was saying whenever he listens back to that song.. tears will eventually come out of his eyes. Yes.. that was what I heard when I pass the CD to another gal (CY) from college. Does she remembers me(-_-)? Then another gal (Eve) said that one of the gals I distributed lost the CD... wanted to snag hers instead...
But anyway, I suggested to re-tune the sound quality of what we have recorded with some professional digital audio software (which I sold and have no idea what it does) like Nuendo, Soundforge, Audition, and stuffs... but I no nuts about these things.. but like usual I will experiment on this. While I am on it, I got a couple of the original CD ... would u like to have one?
If I able to get the song done... what songs would u like to take out and what songs would you like to include? (i wonder anyone reads my blog? (-_-)" )