Yes that was the right name to name their broadband, if its not gov. related organization... will they be more compatitive in providing better services? Like what they promised?
I signed up for RM77 package and ofcoz TM-S promised black and white with 1 Mbps... but look what I have got?
Called that TM hotline, guess what? This afternoon TM Sucks was down in the whole klang valley! Then up again, and then down again... will they even borther to rebate us with anything? Yet we, the consumers have to sufer all these?!!
Yeah, Malaysia Has been boleh eversince the last 50 years! dont we?
We are living in a Zoo with advance technology labeled and package nicely but once you open the box... its still a zoo.... corrupted, pirated... u name it...we got it in BOLEH-LAnd